2015 Workshop on Nutritional Biomarkers, October 28-29, 2015

The 2015 Workshop on Nutritional Biomarkers was held on October 28-29, 2015 at The Population Health Research Institute in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

A two-day workshop on diet-related and nutritional status biomarkers:  A joint workshop of the Population Health Research Institute (PHRI) and the MRC Epidemiology Unit, Cambridge University.



The current use of nutritional biomarkers in epidemiological studies of health outcomes - Nita Forouhi

Classification of biomarkers - Gunter Kuhnle

What biological tissue to use for epidemiological studies, and what do they tell us? - Albert Koulman

Fatty acids, cardiovascular disease and diabetes - Rajiv Chowdhury & Nita Forouhi

Blood fatty acids - understanding the relevance of different tissue fractions and interpreting circulating concentrations - Leanne Hodson

Subcutaneous adipose tissue as a source for longer term biomarkers of diet - Alicja Wolk

The art of tracing dietary fat in humans - Leanne Hodson

Biomarkers of environmental metal pollutants and health outcomes - Rajiv Chowdhury

Questionnaire-based estimates of long-term dietary exposure to polychlorinated biphenyles (PCB's) vs serum biomarkers: implications for studies of fish/seafood intake - Alicja Wolk

Obtaining and storing biological samples in epidemiology studies - Gui Pare & Phil Britz-McKibbin

Biomarkers in dietary intervention trials in diabetes and coronary heart disease - David Jenkins

Using omics technologies for biomarker discovery - Albert Koulman

Microbiota-based biomarkers and nutritional modulation - Russ de Souza & Jennifer Stearns

TMAO and cardiovascular disease - Andrew Mente

Stable isotope biomarkers - potential for use in nutritional epidemiology - Gunter Kuhnle

Frontline lab issues: (1) upscaling throughput for large nutritional epidemiological studies and (2) data processing in large scale metabolite profiling for nutritional biomarker research - Albert Koulman

Strentghs and limitations of nutritional biomarkers - Gunter Kuhnle

Identifying the users of nutritional biomarker information: academic, clinical, potential for personalised nutrition, surveillance/monitoring, policy - David Jenkins