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CANNeCTIN is overseen by a Steering Committee that has representation from all Working Groups and regions across Canada.  It meets twice a year in conjunction withthe annual two day meeting of the network and at the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress meeting. The Steering Committee provides guidelines on the policies of the network, develops specific strategies and timelines, prioritizes the projects proposed by the Working Groups to be undertaken by the network and oversees the Education and Knowledge Translation activities of the network. A sub-committee of the Steering Committee,the Operations Committee includes the CANNeCTIN co-chairs, additional members from the Steering Committee and key staff from the coordinating centre. The Operations Committee ensures that the agreed upon goals of the collaboration are met in a timely fashion and deals with issues across the network as they arise.

Operations Committee Members

  • Dr. John Cairns - University of British Columbia
  • Dr. Stuart Connolly - McMaster University
  • Dr. Jafna Cox - Dalhousie University
  • Dr. Gilles Dagenais - University of Laval
  • Dr. PJ Devereaux - McMaster University 
  • Dr. Hertzel Gerstein - McMaster University
  • Dr. Finlay McAlister - University of Alberta
  • Dr. Robert Roberts - University of Ottawa
  • Dr. George Wells - University of Ottawa
  • Dr. Salim Yusuf - McMaster University 
Hamilton Health Sciences • Hamilton, Ontario • 905.521.2100